For the last few weeks I have been noticing these ads on the bus that at first glance look like some sort of drug ad. See an example below.
I couldn't believe what I was reading and would always look for more information on the ad. No website or contact info. And it seemed pretty politically incorrect which I can appreciate.
Anyway, I eventually remembered to look it up online (what I really need is internet on a cellphone so I can do it on the bus). It is apparently the Ontario Colleges who are trying to get people talking about them and spur enrollment. There are all kinds of arguments online about whether the ads are working or whether they are bad or focused on the wrong people blah blah blah. But I think they got what they wanted. After all isn't any publicity, good publicity?
awesome ad.
Yeah, I saw one of those ads too, at like 3 in the morning when I was snow clearing. I thought I was just really really tired, and seeing things
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